Amiodarone Tablet manufacturer supplier exporter

Amiodarone Tablets IP 100 mg

Each Uncoated Tablet contains:

Amiodarone Hydrochloride IP 100 mg

AMODAR – 200

Amiodarone Tablets IP 200 mg

Each Uncoated Tablet contains:

Amiodaron Hydrochloride IP 200 mg

Amodar – 200

Amiodarone Tablets BP 200 mg

Each Uncoated tablet contains:

Amiodarone Hydrochloride BP 200 mg

Usage: – Restore normal heart rhythm and maintain a regular, steady heartbeat.

Category: – Antiarrhytmics drugs

Therapeutic category: – Antiarrhythmics


Product Description :

Amiodarone Tablet

Healthy Incorporation and Healthy life pharma Pvt ltd are one of the leading manufacturer,supplier, and exporter of Amiodarone Tablet 100 mg, Amiodarone Tablet 200 mg in India and serving the world with the best quality of pharmaceutical products.

Amiodarone Tablets Manufacturer

Healthy incorporation and Healthy life pharma Pvt ltd, is Mumbai Based WHO GMP certified manufacturer of injection, tablet, capsules, liquid, dry syrups, pre-filled syringes, ointments etc. with an extensive experience of over 45 years in manufacturing and have reach in many countries

We are committed to provide a stock of highly effective Amiodarone Tablet to our innumerable clients with the help of our well-experienced pharmaceutical specialists. This medication is used to treat some types of serious irregular heartbeat such as persistent ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia).

It helps in restoring normal heart rhythm and maintain a proper, regular heartbeat. Amiodarone Tablets is known as an anti-arrhythmic drug. This medicine works by blocking certain electrical signals in the heart that may cause an irregular heartbeat. It helps in relaxing overactive heart muscles.

Uses of Amiodarone Tablet:

Amiodarone Tablets contain a medicine called amiodarone hydrochloride. This belongs to a class of medicines called anti-arrhythmics. It helps in controlling the uneven beating of your heart (called ‘arrhythmias’) this tablet helps your heartbeat to normal

Treatment for illness called Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Especially, in this condition you have fast heart beats
Treatment for other types of fast or uneven heartbeats also known as” atrial flutter” or” atrial fibrillation”.

You may take amiodarone tablets either with or without food, but make sure to take it each time in same manner.

Your doctor may advise you to start this medication at a higher dose and then over the period he may decrease your dose

Additional Information of Amiodarone Tablet:

Product Name Amiodarone Tablet

Composition & Active ingredients Amiodarone Hydrochloride

Potency 100 mg, 200 mg

Therapeutic use Irregular Heartbeat

Packing 10 Tablets (1 Box)

Dosage As per Doctor Prescription

Precautions of Amiodarone Tablet:

Please inform doctor your medical history, especially of liver disease, lung disease, Thyroid problems or family history of heart problems It is not safe for pregnant, or planning to have a baby, or breast-feeding mother.

You are advisable to avoid unnecessary exposure to sunlight or sunlamps and to wear protective Sunscreen, clothing, and sunglasses. Amiodarone Tablets may make your skin sensitive to sunlight.

Your exposed skin may turn blue-gray,and it may not return to normal even after you stop taking this medication.

Side Effects of Amiodarone Tablet:

Amiodarone Tablet also have some common side effects when you start medication, if any of your symptoms please consult your doctor immediately.

Change in taste
Skin rashes
Problems in sleeping
Low heartbeat

For Detailed Product Information Contact Us at +91 7710003340, If you need any assistance in selecting our Products that fits your requirements. If you’re looking for any product that you’re not seeing here, please contact our support team.

Amiodarone tablet

Amiodarone is a medication primarily used to treat certain types of irregular heart rhythms, such as atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. It comes in various forms, including tablets and intravenous (IV) solutions.

Amiodarone tablets are typically taken by mouth and are available in different strengths, usually ranging from 100 mg to 400 mg. The specific dosage and frequency of amiodarone tablets depend on the individual patient’s condition, as well as the doctor’s recommendations.

Amiodarone is known for its effectiveness in controlling abnormal heart rhythms, but it can also have potentially serious side effects. Therefore, it is essential to take this medication under the supervision of a healthcare provider who can monitor your heart function and overall health throughout the course of treatment.

Common side effects of amiodarone may include:
Nausea and vomiting
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Vision problems (blurred vision or seeing halos around lights)
Skin changes (bluish-gray discoloration)

Amiodarone can also affect the thyroid gland, the liver, and the lungs, so regular check-ups and monitoring of thyroid function, liver enzymes, and lung function are crucial while taking this medication.

Additionally, amiodarone may interact with other medications you may be taking, so it’s important to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications, supplements, and herbal products you use to prevent potential drug interactions.

Always follow your doctor’s instructions regarding the use of amiodarone tablets, and do not stop or change the dose without consulting your healthcare provider, as abruptly discontinuing the medication can be dangerous. If you experience any concerning side effects or have questions about your treatment, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Amiodarone is a medication used to treat certain types of irregular heartbeats, such as ventricular arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation. It works by affecting the electrical activity of the heart to help restore and maintain a regular heart rhythm.

Amiodarone is available in various forms, including tablets and intravenous (IV) formulations. The tablets are typically taken by mouth and come in different strengths, such as 100 mg or 200 mg.

The dosing and administration of amiodarone can vary depending on the specific medical condition being treated and the individual patient’s needs. It’s crucial to take this medication exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional and to follow their instructions closely.

Amiodarone is known to have the potential for serious side effects and can interact with other medications, so it should only be used under the supervision and guidance of a healthcare provider who can monitor its effects and manage any potential risks.

Common side effects of amiodarone may include:

Nausea or vomiting
Changes in vision (sometimes serious)
Skin sensitivity to sunlight
Thyroid problems

Because amiodarone can have significant side effects and interactions, it’s important for your healthcare provider to regularly monitor your heart rhythm, liver function, lung function, and thyroid function while you are taking this medication.

As with any prescription medication, it’s essential to communicate with your healthcare provider about any concerns or questions you have regarding amiodarone, its potential side effects, and its use in your specific medical condition. They can provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information based on your individual health needs.

Amiodarone is a medication used to treat certain types of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), specifically ventricular arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation/flutter.

It is available in various forms, including tablets and intravenous (IV) solutions. Amiodarone tablets are taken by mouth and are commonly used for long-term maintenance therapy after a patient’s arrhythmia has been controlled with intravenous amiodarone.

Here are some key points to know about amiodarone tablets:

Mechanism of Action: Amiodarone works by affecting the electrical impulses in the heart muscle, helping to regulate and stabilize the heart’s rhythm.

Indications: Amiodarone is typically prescribed when other antiarrhythmic medications have failed or when more severe arrhythmias need treatment. It is often used for atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.

Dosage: The dosage of amiodarone can vary depending on the specific condition being treated, the patient’s age, weight, and other factors. Your healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage for you.

Monitoring: While taking amiodarone, regular monitoring of your heart rhythm, thyroid function, lung function, and liver function may be necessary due to potential side effects and interactions.

Side Effects: Amiodarone can have various side effects, including thyroid problems, lung issues, skin reactions, and interactions with other medications. It’s essential to report any unusual symptoms to your healthcare provider promptly.

Long-Term Use: Amiodarone is often used for long-term maintenance therapy, and it may take several weeks to months to see its full effect. It’s crucial to continue taking the medication as prescribed, even if you feel better.

Drug Interactions: Amiodarone can interact with other medications, so it’s essential to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications and supplements you are taking.

Precautions: Amiodarone should be used with caution in individuals with certain medical conditions, such as liver or lung disease, and it is generally not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Brand Names: Amiodarone is available under various brand names, including Cordarone, Pacerone, and Nexterone.

It’s crucial to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully when taking amiodarone, as this medication can have serious side effects and interactions with other drugs. Your healthcare provider will monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed to manage your arrhythmia effectively.

If you have any questions or concerns about amiodarone or your specific treatment, please consult with your healthcare provider for guidance.

Amiodarone is a medication used to treat certain types of irregular heartbeats, particularly life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms originating in the lower chambers of the heart) and atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter (abnormal heart rhythms originating in the upper chambers of the heart).

It is available in various forms, including tablets, intravenous (IV) injections, and oral solutions.

Amiodarone tablets are typically taken orally by mouth. The tablets come in different strengths, and the appropriate dosage depends on the individual’s medical condition and their healthcare provider’s recommendations. It is crucial to follow the prescribed dosing instructions and take the medication exactly as directed by your healthcare professional.

Amiodarone can have potentially serious side effects and interactions with other medications, so it’s essential to inform your healthcare provider about any other medications you are taking and any existing medical conditions you have. Regular monitoring, including ECGs (electrocardiograms) and thyroid function tests, may be required during amiodarone treatment to ensure its effectiveness and safety.

Common side effects of amiodarone can include lung problems, liver problems, thyroid issues, and skin changes. Because of the potential for significant side effects, amiodarone is usually reserved for situations where other antiarrhythmic medications have not been effective or are not suitable.

It’s crucial to use amiodarone under the close supervision of a healthcare professional who can monitor your progress and adjust your treatment as necessary. Do not stop taking amiodarone or change the dosage without consulting your healthcare provider, as sudden discontinuation can lead to serious heart rhythm disturbances.

If you have questions or concerns about amiodarone or its side effects, please consult your healthcare provider for guidance.
Amiodarone is a medication commonly used to treat certain types of irregular heartbeats, particularly ventricular arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation.

It is available in various forms, including tablets, intravenous (IV) solutions, and even intravenous drip forms. Tablets are one of the common oral forms of amiodarone.

Here is some information about amiodarone tablets:

Indications: Amiodarone tablets are prescribed by healthcare professionals to manage and control various irregular heart rhythms, such as ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and atrial fibrillation, especially when other treatments have not been effective or are not suitable.

Mechanism of Action: Amiodarone works by affecting the electrical activity in the heart. It slows down the heart rate and helps to stabilize irregular rhythms, allowing the heart to beat more regularly.

Dosage: The appropriate dosage of amiodarone tablets depends on the specific condition being treated and the patient’s individual characteristics. Dosages may be adjusted over time based on the patient’s response and any side effects. It’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully.

Administration: Amiodarone tablets are typically taken orally with water. They may be taken with or without food, but it’s essential to take them consistently as directed by your healthcare provider.

Side Effects: Like all medications, amiodarone tablets can have side effects. Common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, constipation, loss of appetite, and changes in skin color (bluish-gray discoloration).

More serious side effects can occur, such as lung problems, liver problems, thyroid dysfunction, and eye issues. Regular monitoring by a healthcare provider is necessary to manage and detect any potential side effects.

Duration of Treatment: The duration of amiodarone treatment can vary widely, depending on the patient’s condition and response to the medication. Some patients may take it for a short period to manage acute arrhythmias, while others may need it for a more extended period to prevent recurrent arrhythmias.

Interactions: Amiodarone can interact with other medications, potentially affecting their effectiveness or causing adverse reactions. It’s crucial to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications, supplements, and herbal products you are taking to avoid potential interactions.

Special Considerations: Amiodarone is a potent medication with the potential for serious side effects and drug interactions. It is usually reserved for cases where other treatments have failed or are not suitable. Patients taking amiodarone often require close monitoring of their heart function, thyroid function, lung function, and liver function.

Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized information and guidance regarding the use of amiodarone tablets, including the appropriate dosage and any potential risks or benefits specific to your situation.

Amiodarone is a medication that is often prescribed in the form of tablets or capsules. It is primarily used to treat certain types of irregular heart rhythms, particularly ventricular arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation. Amiodarone works by affecting the electrical activity in the heart, helping to regulate the heart’s rhythm.

Here are some key points to know about amiodarone tablets:

Indications: Amiodarone is typically prescribed when other antiarrhythmic medications have failed to control abnormal heart rhythms. It may be used to treat ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and atrial fibrillation.

Dosage: The dosage of amiodarone can vary depending on the specific condition being treated and the patient’s individual needs. It’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully regarding the dosage and duration of treatment.

Administration: Amiodarone tablets are usually taken orally, typically with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional. It’s essential to swallow the tablet whole and not crush or chew it.

Monitoring: When taking amiodarone, patients may need regular monitoring of their heart rhythm, blood pressure, and thyroid function. This is because amiodarone can affect thyroid function and may lead to side effects such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

Side Effects: Amiodarone can have a range of side effects, including lung problems, liver dysfunction, thyroid issues, skin changes, and visual disturbances. It is crucial to report any unusual symptoms or side effects to your healthcare provider promptly.

Drug Interactions: Amiodarone can interact with a variety of other medications, so it’s essential to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications and supplements you are taking. Some drug interactions can be serious and may require adjustments to your treatment plan.

Duration of Treatment: Treatment with amiodarone is often long-term, as it is typically used to manage chronic heart rhythm disorders. Your healthcare provider will determine the appropriate duration of treatment based on your condition.

Precautions: Before starting amiodarone, inform your healthcare provider about any existing medical conditions, allergies, or other medications you are taking.

It’s crucial to have a comprehensive discussion about the potential risks and benefits of amiodarone therapy.

Amiodarone is a potent medication that can be highly effective in controlling certain types of irregular heart rhythms, but it should be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional due to its potential for serious side effects and drug interactions. Always follow your healthcare provider’s guidance and recommendations when taking amiodarone tablets.

Amiodarone is a medication that is used to treat certain types of irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), including ventricular arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation. It is available in tablet form and may also be administered intravenously in more acute situations.

Here are some key points about amiodarone tablets:

Purpose: Amiodarone is primarily prescribed to manage serious and potentially life-threatening arrhythmias. It helps regulate the heart’s rhythm, making it less likely to beat too quickly or irregularly.

Mechanism of Action: Amiodarone works by affecting the electrical activity in the heart muscle cells. It prolongs the action potential and refractory period of cardiac cells, which helps in stabilizing the heart’s electrical system.

Indications: Amiodarone is used to treat various types of arrhythmias, including ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. It can also be used in atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter if other treatments have been ineffective.

Dosage: The dosage of amiodarone can vary depending on the specific condition being treated, the patient’s response to the medication, and other factors. It is typically started at a high dose for a short period (loading dose) and then reduced to a lower maintenance dose.

Monitoring: Regular monitoring of heart rhythm, liver function, and thyroid function is essential while taking amiodarone because it can have significant side effects on these organs.

Side Effects: Amiodarone can have various side effects, including lung problems (pulmonary toxicity), thyroid dysfunction, liver abnormalities, skin changes, and visual disturbances. Due to its potential for serious side effects, it is usually reserved for patients with life-threatening arrhythmias who have not responded to other treatments.

Drug Interactions: Amiodarone can interact with numerous other medications, potentially leading to serious interactions. It’s crucial to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications and supplements you are taking before starting amiodarone.

Duration of Treatment: The duration of amiodarone treatment varies depending on the individual’s condition. It may be used for a short period to control acute arrhythmias or for a longer term in cases where other treatments are not effective.

Patient Education: Patients taking amiodarone should be educated about the medication’s purpose, potential side effects, and the importance of regular monitoring by a healthcare provider.

It’s essential to take amiodarone exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider and to attend all recommended follow-up appointments to monitor for any potential side effects or complications. Please consult with a healthcare professional for specific information and guidance regarding amiodarone tablets in your particular situation.

Note: Healthy Incorporation and Healthy life pharma Pvt ltd tries to ensure that all information, whether in relation to the products, services, offerings provided as part of this website is correct at the time of inclusion on the website.

Unauthorized use of any materials contained on this website may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, certain communications statutes and regulations and other applicable laws and regulations.

Please connect with us to discuss precise product specifications and requirements and obtain advice on which products are suitable for your requirement or you can write to us here or at Healthy Inc.

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