Diazepam Tablet manufacturer supplier exporter

Diazepam Tablets IP 5 mg
Each Uncoated tablet contains :
Diazepam IP 5 mg
Excipients q.s

Diazepam Tablets BP 5 mg
Each Uncoated tablet contains :
Diazepam BP 5 mg

Usage: – Anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, and seizures

Category: – Anti Anxiety Drugs

Therapeutic category: – Anti Anxiety


Product Description

Diazepam tablet

Healthy Incorporation and Healthy life pharma Pvt ltd are one of the leading manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Diazepam tablet 5 mg, in India and serving the world with best quality pharmaceutical products.

Diazepam tablet Manufacturer
Healthy incorporation and Healthy life pharma Pvt ltd, is Mumbai Based WHO GMP certified manufacturer of injection, tablet, capsules, liquid, dry syrups, pre-filled syringes, ointments etc. with an extensive experience of over 45 years in manufacturing and have reach in many countries. We are committed to provide a stock of highly effective Diazepam tablets to our innumerable clients with the help of our well-experienced pharmaceutical specialists.

Uses of Diazepam tablet:
Diazepam tablet belongs to an order of medicines known as Anti anxiety Agents; Analytics, Benzodiazepines; Skeletal Muscle Relaxants; Anticonvulsants, Benzodiazepine. It’s a prescribed drug used to cure symptoms of anxiety, muscle spasm, alcohol withdrawal and as a sedative before any surgery or to treat certain seizures. It is anticipated that benzodiazepines work by enhancing the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. If you don’t have sufficient GABA, your body may be in a nervous state and cause you to have anxiety, you may get muscle spasms, or have seizures after taking this medicine you’ll have more GABA in your body which will help decrease your anxiety, muscle spasms, and seizures. Diazepam tablet can reduce your brain’s exertion and interfere with your judgment, thinking, and motor skills. It can used as part of a combination remedy which means you need to take it along with other drugs.

Additional Information of Diazepam tablet:
Product Name Diazepam tablet

Composition & Active ingredients Diazepam

Potency 5 mg

Therapeutic use Anxiety/Muscle spasms/Seizures

Packing 10 Tablets (1 Box)

Dosage As per Doctor Prescription

Precautions of Diazepam tablets:
Please inform doctor your medical history, especially of certain muscle disorder,lung problem, breathing problems, glaucoma, , kidney disease, liver disease, mental/mood disorders such as depression, suicidal thoughts or actions,substance use disorder. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant or breast-feeding mother.

Side Effects of Diazepam tablets:
Most of the time there is no serious side effects. Some Common side effects may arise after starting medication, as your body adjust to medicine. If any of your symptoms worsen then consult your doctor immediately

Trouble in speaking/walking
Trouble sleeping
Muscle weakness
Painful urination
Depression/suicidal thoughts
Yellowing of eyes/skin
For Detailed Product Information Contact Us at +91 7710003340, If you need Any assistance in selecting our Products that fits your requirements. If you’re looking for any product that you’re not seeing here, please contact our support team.
Diazepam tablets
Diazepam is a medication that belongs to the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. It is commonly prescribed to treat a variety of conditions, including anxiety, panic disorders, muscle spasms, and seizures. Diazepam works by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, which leads to a calming or sedative effect.
Here are some key points to know about diazepam tablets:
Indications: Diazepam is used to manage various conditions, including anxiety disorders, panic attacks, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and as an adjunct in seizures and certain medical procedures.
Dosage: The appropriate dosage of diazepam depends on the specific condition being treated, the patient’s age, and their response to the medication. It is essential to follow the prescribing physician’s instructions carefully.
Forms: Diazepam is available in various forms, including tablets, oral solution, and injectable solutions. Tablets are one of the most common forms.
Side Effects: Like all medications, diazepam can have side effects. Common side effects may include drowsiness, dizziness, and coordination problems. It can also be habit-forming if used for an extended period, and sudden discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms.
Precautions: Diazepam should be used with caution, especially in individuals with a history of substance abuse, respiratory problems, or certain medical conditions. It can interact with other medications, so it’s important to inform your healthcare provider about all the drugs you are taking.
Addiction Risk: Diazepam has the potential for abuse and addiction, especially when used for extended periods or in higher doses than prescribed. It’s important to take it only as directed by a healthcare professional.
Overdose: An overdose of diazepam can be dangerous and may cause symptoms such as extreme drowsiness, confusion, slurred speech, and impaired coordination. In severe cases, it can lead to respiratory depression and even be life-threatening.
Withdrawal: Stopping diazepam abruptly can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and seizures in some cases. It’s essential to taper off the medication under medical supervision.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Diazepam is generally not recommended during pregnancy, as it may cause harm to the developing fetus. It can also be excreted in breast milk, so it’s important to discuss its use with a healthcare provider if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Legal Status: Diazepam is a prescription medication and is regulated by law in many countries due to its potential for misuse and dependence.
It’s crucial to use diazepam only under the guidance and supervision of a healthcare professional, and to follow their instructions closely to ensure its safe and effective use. If you have any specific questions or concerns about diazepam or your medication regimen, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.
Diazepam is a medication commonly prescribed to treat a variety of medical conditions, primarily anxiety and certain types of seizures. It belongs to the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, which act on the central nervous system to produce a calming effect.
Here are some key points about Diazepam tablets:
Medical Uses: Diazepam is prescribed for various medical conditions, including anxiety disorders, muscle spasms, seizures, alcohol withdrawal, and as a preoperative sedative.
Anxiolytic Effects: Diazepam helps reduce anxiety and panic attacks by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which inhibits brain activity and induces relaxation.
Muscle Relaxant: It is used as a muscle relaxant to relieve muscle spasms and stiffness, often associated with conditions like cerebral palsy, paraplegia, and other neurological disorders.
Anticonvulsant: Diazepam is used to treat certain types of seizures, such as febrile seizures and status epilepticus. It helps to stop prolonged or recurrent seizures.
Alcohol Withdrawal: In cases of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, diazepam may be administered to manage symptoms like anxiety, tremors, and seizures.
Preoperative Sedation: It may be used before medical procedures or surgeries to induce sedation and reduce anxiety.
Dosage: The dosage of diazepam depends on the specific condition being treated and individual patient needs. It is important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions regarding the dosage and duration of use.
Side Effects: Common side effects of diazepam may include drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired coordination. Prolonged or excessive use can lead to tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms when discontinued.
Addictive Potential: Because of the risk of dependence, diazepam is typically prescribed for short-term use. Long-term or excessive use can lead to addiction.
Caution: It’s important to use diazepam as prescribed by a healthcare professional and not to share it with others. Misuse or abuse of this medication can lead to serious health consequences.
Abrupt Discontinuation: Diazepam should not be stopped suddenly, as this can lead to withdrawal symptoms. It’s usually tapered gradually under the guidance of a healthcare provider when discontinuing treatment.
Interactions: Diazepam may interact with other medications or substances, including alcohol, so it’s crucial to inform your doctor about all the medications and substances you are using.
It’s essential to use diazepam under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as they can provide the necessary information about its appropriate use, potential side effects, and any precautions or interactions to be aware of. If you have any specific questions or concerns about diazepam, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.
Diazepam is a medication commonly prescribed to treat a variety of conditions, primarily those related to anxiety and muscle spasms. It belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, which have a calming effect on the central nervous system. Diazepam tablets are available in various strengths and are typically administered orally.
Here are some common uses for diazepam tablets:
Anxiety Disorders: Diazepam is often prescribed to manage symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. It can help reduce feelings of nervousness and restlessness.
Muscle Spasms: Diazepam is used to relieve muscle spasms and stiffness, making it a valuable medication for conditions like muscle strains, tension, and certain neurological disorders.
Alcohol Withdrawal: Diazepam may be administered to individuals going through alcohol withdrawal to alleviate symptoms such as tremors, agitation, and seizures.
Seizure Disorders: It can be used to treat certain types of seizures and as a part of a comprehensive epilepsy management plan.
Sedation and Amnesia: In medical settings, diazepam can be used for its sedative and amnesic properties. It is sometimes given before medical procedures or surgeries to help relax patients and induce amnesia.
It’s important to note that diazepam is generally prescribed for short-term use due to its potential for dependence and tolerance. Prolonged use can lead to addiction and withdrawal symptoms when the medication is discontinued. It should be taken exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional, and any concerns or questions about diazepam should be discussed with a doctor.
Additionally, diazepam can have side effects and interactions with other medications, so it’s important to provide your healthcare provider with a comprehensive medical history and a list of any other medications or substances you are currently taking. Always follow your doctor’s guidance and never self-medicate with diazepam or any other prescription medication.
Diazepam is a medication that belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs. It is commonly prescribed to treat a variety of conditions, primarily anxiety disorders, muscle spasms, and as a sedative before medical procedures. Here are some key points about Diazepam tablets:
Usage: Diazepam is often used to manage anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. It can also be used to treat muscle spasms, seizures, and alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
Mechanism of Action: Diazepam works by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. This leads to a calming and sedative effect, reducing anxiety and muscle spasms.
Forms: Diazepam is available in various forms, including tablets, capsules, and oral solutions. Tablets are one of the most common forms, and they come in different strengths.
Dosage: The appropriate dosage of diazepam varies depending on the condition being treated and the patient’s age, weight, and overall health. It’s crucial to follow your healthcare provider’s prescription and instructions.
Side Effects: Common side effects of diazepam may include drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, and unsteadiness. It can also cause more severe side effects, such as dependency and withdrawal symptoms if used for an extended period.
Caution: Diazepam can be habit-forming, and it should be used with caution. It is not recommended for long-term use, and abrupt discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms. It should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
Interactions: Diazepam may interact with other medications, alcohol, and substances that depress the central nervous system. It can enhance the sedative effects of these substances and should be used with caution.
Prescription: Diazepam is typically available by prescription only, and it’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions closely. Do not share this medication with others or use it beyond the prescribed duration.
Safety Precautions: It’s essential to store diazepam tablets in a secure place, away from children and pets, and to keep them in their original packaging to protect them from light and moisture.
Please note that this information is provided for general understanding, and you should always consult a healthcare professional or a pharmacist for specific advice, dosage, and potential interactions related to your health condition and medication usage.
Diazepam is a medication that belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs. It is commonly known by the brand name Valium. Diazepam is primarily prescribed for its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), muscle relaxant, and sedative properties. Here is some information about diazepam tablets:
Indications: Diazepam is used to treat various medical conditions, including anxiety disorders, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and as a preoperative sedative. It can also be prescribed to manage seizures and certain other medical conditions.
Mechanism of Action: Diazepam works by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is responsible for reducing the activity of nerve cells, which, in turn, results in a calming and relaxing effect.
Dosage: The dosage of diazepam can vary depending on the medical condition being treated, the individual’s age, and other factors. It’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully when taking this medication. Diazepam is available in various strengths, typically in tablet form. Common strengths include 2 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg tablets.
Administration: Diazepam tablets are usually taken orally with or without food. It’s important to follow the prescribed dosage and schedule provided by your healthcare provider.
Precautions and Side Effects: Diazepam can cause drowsiness and impair cognitive and motor skills, so it’s important to avoid activities that require alertness, such as driving, while taking this medication. Additionally, it can be habit-forming, so it should be used only as directed by a healthcare professional and for a limited duration. Abruptly stopping the medication can lead to withdrawal symptoms, so it’s important to taper off the dosage under medical supervision.
Contraindications: Diazepam is not recommended for individuals with a history of substance abuse, certain medical conditions, or during pregnancy.
Interactions: Diazepam can interact with various other medications, including other central nervous system depressants, so it’s important to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are taking to avoid potential interactions.
Overdose: Overdosing on diazepam can be dangerous, leading to symptoms like severe drowsiness, confusion, loss of coordination, and even coma. If you suspect an overdose, seek immediate medical attention.
It’s crucial to use diazepam only as prescribed by a healthcare professional, and any questions or concerns about its use or potential side effects should be discussed with your healthcare provider. The information provided here is for general knowledge and should not replace professional medical advice.
Diazepam is a medication that belongs to the class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. It is commonly prescribed to treat a variety of medical conditions, primarily those related to anxiety, muscle spasms, and certain types of seizures. Some of the brand names under which diazepam is sold include Valium and Diastat.
Diazepam tablets are a common form of this medication and are typically taken orally. They come in various strengths, ranging from 2mg to 10mg. The appropriate dosage depends on the specific condition being treated and should be determined by a healthcare professional. It’s important to take diazepam exactly as prescribed, as misuse or overuse can lead to dependency and other adverse effects.
Diazepam works by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter in the brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This results in a calming and relaxing effect, which can help with anxiety, muscle tension, and certain types of seizures. However, it is essential to use diazepam with caution and under medical supervision because it can be habit-forming and may have side effects, including drowsiness and impaired coordination.
If you have been prescribed diazepam or are considering its use, it’s crucial to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully, disclose your complete medical history, and be aware of potential interactions with other medications or substances. Misuse or sudden discontinuation of diazepam can lead to withdrawal symptoms and may not be safe. Always consult with your healthcare professional for guidance on your specific medical situation.
Diazepam is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. It is commonly prescribed to treat various conditions, including anxiety, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal symptoms, and certain types of seizures. Diazepam is typically available in tablet form, although it may also come in other forms like oral solutions or injections, depending on the specific medical needs of the patient.
Here are some key points about diazepam tablets:
Anxiety: Diazepam is often prescribed to relieve symptoms of anxiety disorders. It can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calmness.
Muscle Spasms: The medication can be used to alleviate muscle spasms, such as those associated with conditions like cerebral palsy, paraplegia, or tetanus.
Alcohol Withdrawal: Diazepam may be administered to manage withdrawal symptoms in individuals who are dependent on alcohol. It can help prevent seizures and reduce anxiety during the withdrawal process.
Seizures: Diazepam is sometimes used to treat certain types of seizures, such as status epilepticus or febrile seizures in children.
Dosage: The dosage of diazepam varies depending on the specific medical condition being treated. It is essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and not exceed the recommended dose.
Side Effects: Like all medications, diazepam can have side effects. Common side effects may include drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired coordination. More serious side effects can include confusion, memory problems, and paradoxical reactions, where it may increase anxiety or agitation in some individuals.
Dependence and Addiction: Diazepam is known to be habit-forming, and extended use can lead to physical and psychological dependence. It’s essential to take it as prescribed and not abruptly stop taking it without consulting a healthcare professional.
Interactions: Diazepam can interact with other medications and substances, including alcohol. It’s crucial to inform your healthcare provider of all medications and supplements you are taking.
Prescription Only: Diazepam is a prescription medication. It should only be used under the supervision and guidance of a healthcare professional who can monitor your progress and adjust the treatment as needed.
Withdrawal: If you’ve been taking diazepam for an extended period and need to discontinue it, it’s important to do so gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Your healthcare provider can provide a tapering schedule to minimize the risk of withdrawal effects.
Please note that this information is for general purposes, and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for specific guidance regarding the use of diazepam or any other medication. Additionally, information on medications can change over time, so it’s always a good idea to consult the latest medical sources for the most up-to-date information.
Diazepam is a medication commonly prescribed for various medical conditions. It is a type of benzodiazepine, which is a class of drugs that act as central nervous system depressants. Diazepam is known by several brand names, including Valium, Diastat, and Vazepam.
Diazepam is primarily used for the following purposes:
Anxiety Disorders: Diazepam is often prescribed to manage symptoms of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder.
Muscle Spasms: It can be used to treat muscle spasms and tension, making it useful in conditions like muscle injuries and certain neurological disorders.
Seizures: Diazepam is sometimes administered to control seizures, particularly in cases of status epilepticus, a severe and prolonged seizure.
Alcohol Withdrawal: It may be used to alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, as it can help prevent seizures and manage withdrawal symptoms.
Sedation: Diazepam can be used to induce sedation or relaxation before medical procedures or surgeries.
Diazepam works by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter called GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the brain, which results in a calming and sedative effect. It should be used only under the guidance and prescription of a healthcare professional because it can be habit-forming and may lead to dependence if not taken as directed.
As with any medication, it is essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully and be aware of potential side effects and risks associated with diazepam. It should not be used for extended periods without close medical supervision. Additionally, abrupt discontinuation of diazepam can lead to withdrawal symptoms, so it should be tapered off gradually if a patient needs to stop using it. If you have questions or concerns about diazepam or its usage, please consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

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